Questões de Tradução | Translation (Inglês)

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Considering the grammatical aspects of Portuguese and English, judge the following item.
The English translation of the Portuguese sentence Quanto mais você adia o despertador, menos você quer se levantar da cama is How much more you snooze your alarm, how much less you want to get out of bed. 

  • Certo
  • Errado

Based on the previous text, judge the following item. 

The correct translation of the excerpt “Furthermore, using phones in the bathroom makes them a breeding ground for bacteria” to Portuguese is Além disso, usar telefones no banheiro faz deles um terreno fértil para bactérias.

  • Certo
  • Errado

Marque a alternativa que corresponde à tradução da frase abaixo.  



  • A Superman saves the woman’s life yesterday.
  • B Superman saved the woman’s life yesterday.
  • C Superman save the woman’s life yesterday.
  • D Superman solve the woman’s life yesterday.
  • E Superman didn’t save the woman’s life Yesterday

Nowadays, in most modern societies, almost everybody has an idea about what a computer is. We depend on computers in every aspect of our lives whether we know how to use one or not.

  • Certo
  • Errado

Assinalar a alternativa que apresenta a tradução CORRETA para o trecho abaixo:

The children are playing at the park, and I’m cooking dinner. 

  • A As crianças brincavam no parque, e eu cozinhava o jantar.
  • B As crianças irão brincar no parque, e eu irei cozinhar o jantar.
  • C As crianças brincam no parque, enquanto eu cozinho o jantar.
  • D As crianças estão brincando no parque, e eu estou cozinhando o jantar.