Questões de Artigos | Articles (Inglês)

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Examine the following statements:
I. In: "Maria talked to her best friend in desperate need of a counsel", the use of the article is correct.
II. In: "Lucas went to a library in search of the Times Magazine", the use of articles is correct.
III. In: "Doctors recommend that children eat a bread every day.", the use of the article is incorrect.
Choose the CORRECT answer:
  • A None of the statements are true.
  • B All of the statements are true.
  • C Two statements are true
  • D Only one statement is true.

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The zero article, the absence of any article, is used in specific contexts, such as with plural and uncountable nouns or when referring to things in general. Understanding when to omit articles is essential for precise communication in American English.

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Definite articles, “the,” specify a particular noun that is already known or has been previously mentioned in the context. Understanding the appropriate use of definite articles is crucial for indicating specificity and reference in American English. 

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Indefinite articles, “a” and “an,” are used to introduce a non-specific item or entity. The choice between “a” and “an” depends on the phonetic sound that follows, with “a” preceding words that start with a consonant sound and “an” preceding words that begin with a vowel sound. 

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The indefinite article is correctly used in: a hat; a house; a honor.

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