Questões comentadas de Concursos da Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil (ANAC)

Limpar Busca

Judge the following item according to the previous text.

According to the text, Penn State researchers were the first to use the genetic algorithm to investigate flying patterns. 

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Judge the following item according to the previous text.
In the text, the term ‘reverse-engineered’ (first sentence of the second paragraph) is not referring to an industrial product, which represents a variation of its conventional meaning. 

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A respeito do regulamento brasileiro da aviação civil, julgue o item a seguir. 

É vedado que empresa estrangeira de transporte aéreo conduza operações IFR no Brasil. 

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Judge the following item according to the previous text.

Professor Cheng and his team have acquired fresh perspective on the mechanics of wing motion in hummingbirds. 

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Judge the following item according to the previous text.

Traditional measuring techniques offered restricted input about the flight of insects. 

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